Journal des modifications
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- ONScripter-EN est désormais maintenu par Haeleth ; pour les mises à jour du moteur et voir le journal des modifications à jour, veuillez vous rendre ici à partir de maintenant.
24-07-2006 (version pour l'al|together 2006)
- Global: starting with this release, it is again possible to play original Japanese games without text display issues on onscripter-insani.
- ONScripterLabel_command.cpp: fixed a bug introduced in onscripter-20060723-insani that caused all transitions to be cut to instantaneous after the first pressing of CTRL.
- ONScripterLabel_effect.cpp: fixed a bug introduced in onscripter-20060723-insani that caused all transitions to be cut to instantaneous after the first pressing of CTRL.
- ONScripterLabel_event.cpp: fixed a bug introduced in onscripter-20060723-insani that caused all transitions to be cut to instantaneous after the first pressing of CTRL.
- ONScripterLabel_text.cpp: fixed a bug introduced in onscripter-20060722-insani that caused 2-byte-characters to be erased on skip-to-wait mode.
- ONScripterLabel.cpp: the previous simple linewrapping algorithm included the characters of any inline commands in a given line as counting toward the total number of characters in the line. The 1-byte-character linewrapping algorithm has been totally rewritten, and now inline commands no longer count toward the linewrapping limit.
- ONScripterLabel_command.cpp: waitCommand() and delayCommand() were triggering at their default speeds even during CTRL/skip/skip-to-wait mode. This has been rectified, and now waitCommand() and delayCommand() are skipped when in those modes.
- ONScripterLabel_effect.cpp: all effects and transitions would play at their default speed even during CTRL/skip/skip-to-wait mode. This has been rectified, and now all effects and transitions are cut out when in those modes.
- ONScripterLabel_event.cpp: the mp3 fadeout now terminates immediately instead of fading out at default speed during CTRL/skip/skip-to-wait mode.
- ONScripterLabel_text.cpp: further refinements to the usage of inline !d, !s, !sd, !w, #rrggbb, and ignore-newline-/ in 1-byte-character mode.
- version.h: the version string now correctly displays as onscripter-20060723-insani.
- Global: starting with this release, it is not possible to play original Japanese games without text display issues on onscripter-insani. This has to do with the fact that in order to get the inline commands working, we had to tamper with the way that said commands were caught.
- ONScripterLabel_sound.cpp: music volume was mistakenly automatically being reset to 100; this has been fixed.
- ONScripterLabel_text.cpp: !d, !s, !sd, !w, #rrggbb, and ignore-newline-/ were non-functional when used in conjunction with the ` 1-byte-character flag; this has been fixed.
- Makefile.MacOSX.insani: changed several library and include settings.
- ONScripterLabel_sound.cpp: fixed a critical endian-handling bug that caused all Ogg Vorbis sound to output as garbled white noise on big-endian platforms (e.g. PPC OS X).
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-2006618 trunk.
- Makefile.Linux.insani: changed several library and include settings.
- Makefile.Win.insani: changed several library and include settings.
- ONScripterLabel.h, ONScripterLabel.cpp, ONScripterLabel_command.cpp, ONScripterLabel_sound.cpp: mp3 fadeout functionality entirely rewritten and functional.
- ONScripterLabel_command.cpp, ONScripterLabel_event.cpp, ONScripterLabel_sound.cpp: in Mac OS X, any looped MIDI file would play once, then cause ONScripter to hard crash upon first loop; integrated Ben Carter's workaround to prevent this from happening.
- ONScripterLabel_event.cpp: enabled return, spacebar, and keypad enter as valid input for skip-to-end-of-page functionality.
31-03-2006 (version expérimentale)
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-20060309 trunk.
- OS X: reverted to GCC 3.3, SDL 1.2.8 to restore compatibility with G3-class machines (and Intel Macs via Rosetta).
- AnimationInfo.cpp: an optimization causing loss in alpha-blended rendering precision (and subsequent miscoloration of text) has been fixed.
- Makefile.Linux.insani: changed several library and include settings.
- ONScripterLabel.h, ONScripterLabel.cpp, ONScripterLabel_command.cpp, ONScripterLabel_sound.cpp: mp3 fadeout functionality broken in this build due to massive overhaul of sound system.
- ONscripterLabel_rmenu.cpp: timestamp standardization fix (1:03 was displaying as 1: 3; this has been fixed).
- ONScripterLabel_rmenu.cpp: system messages during a right-click menu system call were being drawn to the wrong accumulation buffer; this has been fixed.
- ONScripterLabel_rmenu.cpp: the right-click menu "reset" system call was never escaping out of system call mode even when finished, leading to text window corruption; this has been fixed.
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-20051004 trunk.
- ONScripterLabel.h, ONScripterLabel.cpp, ONScripterLabel_command.cpp, ONScripterLabel_sound.cpp: integrated altape's patch to enable mp3 fadeout functionality.
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-20050923a trunk.
- ONScripterLabel_command.h: integrated Haeleth's patch for inline translator note functionality.
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-20050912 trunk.
- OS X: now building with GCC 4.0, SDL 1.2.9 for Altivec-related performance benefits.
- ONScripterLabel.h: added a variable to denote click during text printout.
- ONScripterLabel_event.cpp: added event logic to catch click during text printout.
- ONScripterLabel_text.cpp: implemented logic to skip to next pause point (next @, next page, etc.) on click during text printout.
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-20050824 trunk.
- Global: synced sources with the official onscripter-20050818 trunk.
- Makefile.MacOSX.insani: changed several static library compilation options.
- Makefile.Win.insani: changed several library and include directories.
- ONScripterLabel.h: added function declarations for getvoicevolCommand(), getbgmvolCommand(), and getsevolCommand()
- ONScripterLabel.cpp: added function stubs for getvoicevolCommand(), getbgmvolCommand(), and getsevolCommand()
- ONScripterLabel_command.cpp: implemented getvoicevolCommand(), getbgmvolCommand(), and getsevolCommand()
- Makefile.Linux.insani: new insani-modified Linux makefile.
- Makefile.MacOSX.insani: new insani-modified Mac OS X makefile.
- Makefile.Win.insani: new insani-modified Windows makefile.
- ONScripterLabel.cpp: added window icon option (icon.png).
- ONScripterLabel_command.cpp: reimplemented menu_fullCommand() and menu_windowCommand() to function in all operating systems, not just X11-based windowing systems.
- ONScripterLabel_event.cpp: added SDL_QUIT case to eventLoop() to handle clicks on the window close button.
- ONScripterLabel_text.cpp: modified drawString() to never skip whitespace ("Hani Hack").